(فى محظورات الإحرام) للشيخ ابن عثيمين

الفريق العلمي
1436/11/19 - 2015/09/03 13:34PM
(فى محظورات الإحرام) للشيخ ابن عثيمين

1) How to honour and glorify the rituals and sanctities of Allaah.
2) Hajj and ‘Umrah are from the rituals and sanctities of Allaah and how to glorify it. (*)
3) Prohibitions of Ihraam.

All praise is due to Allaah. We praise Him, ask for His assistance and repent to Him. We seek Allaah’s protection from the evils of our souls and the wickedness of our deeds. Whomever Allaah guides will never be misguided and whomever Allaah misguides will never be guided. I testify that there is no deity but Allaah, with Whom there is no associate. I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. May Allaah bless him, his family, his companions and all those who will follow them until Resurrection Day!

O people! Fear Allaah and know that Allaah, out of His Wisdom and Mercy, ordained for you ordinances that you should not neglect and defined limits that you should not transgress. He commanded you to glorify His rituals and sanctities.

Allaah the Almighty said that which translates to: “…And whoever honours the symbols (i.e. the rites) of Allaah – indeed, it is from the piety of hearts." (Al-Hajj: 32). The rituals of Allaah include the rites of Hajj and ‘Umrah.

Allaah the Almighty said that which translates to: “Indeed As-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the symbols of Allaah..." (Al-Baqarah: 158). So, you should sanctify these rituals as they are venerated in themselves and are considered a kind of Jihaad in the cause of Allaah. ‘A’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, asked the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam whether it was incumbent on women to take part in Jihaad. He told her: “women are entitled to perform a kind of Jihaad that includes no fighting (i.e. Hajj and ‘Umrah) ". You should sanctify these rituals in accordance with what is ordained on you by Allaah, as Allaah said: “…So whoever has made Hajj obligatory upon himself therein (by entering the state of Ihraam), If any one undertakes that duty therein, let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj and whatever good ye do, (be sure) Allaah knoweth it. And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best of provisions is right conduct. So fear Me, O ye that are wise! " (Al Baqarah: 197). Sanctify these rituals through entertaining sincere devotion to Allaah and strict application of the Prophet’s course of conduct. Fulfil what Allaah ordained on you of purification and prayer on time in congregation and give advice to all Muslims. Shun all that Allaah prohibited to you. Shun falsehood, deception, betrayal, backbiting, tale-bearing and mocking at Muslims and ridiculing them. Avoid listening to musical instruments and prohibited singing. Keep off all that diverts your attention from completing and perfecting your rituals. Avoid all practices prohibited to you by virtue of Ihraam. Beware having intercourse and all overtures that lead to it, including touching, kissing and lustful glances. Intercourse is one of the acts most strictly forbidden during Ihraam. Whoever has intercourse with his wife before putting off Ihraam, his Hajj is vitiated, and he will be obliged to end it and compensate it on the next year, in addition to slaughtering an offering and giving it as charity to the poor in Mecca or Minaa.

Eschew cutting any portion of the hair of your heads, as Allaah the Almighty said what means: “...and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches the place of sacrifice..." (Al Baqarah: 196). The majority of scholars applied the ruling of the hair of the head to the hair found in the rest of the body, as well as the cutting of nails. They maintained that a Muhrim is not permitted to cut any portion from his head or his nails, except when a nail is broken by itself. Whoever cuts his head or a part of it will be obliged to make an offering with which he redeems himself from being liable to punishment, represented in fasting for three days or feeding six needy persons, giving each half a Saa’ of food or slaughtering a sheep and distributing its meat among the poor. Both slaughtering or feeding should take place in Makkah or in the place where the prohibited act is committed.

Don’t kill game, as Allaah the Almighty said what means: “O ye who believe! kill not game while in the Sacred Precincts or in pilgrim garb..." (Al Maa’idah: 95), whether it is a bird, like pigeons, or an animal like deer and rabbits. Whoever kills a game intentionally will be liable to expiation, represented in slaughtering an animal equivalent to the killed game from camels, cows or sheep. The slaughtered animal is to be given in charity for the poor in Mecca or Minaa. Expiation can be given in an amount of money equivalent to the price of the offering, with which food is to be bought and distributed among the poor in Mecca or Minaa. Each poor person is to receive a quarter Saa’ of barely or half a Saa’ from other kinds of grains. Third kind of expiation is to observe fasting for a number of days equivalent to the number of poor persons who were to be fed.

As for cutting trees, it has nothing to do with Ihraam; it is equally permissible for a Muhrim or a non-Muhrim to cut off trees in the areas outside the sanctuary of the Sacred House, such as in ‘Arafah. However, it is not permissible to cut down trees within the precincts of the Sacred area, such as in Muzdalifah, Minaa and Makkah, except plants sowed by man, which may be cut off. It is permissible to spread a mat on the earth in Minaa, Muzdalifah, as well as other places within the area of the Sacred House, even those where grass grow, as long as there was no intention to destroy it.

You should not involve in marriage contracts or proposals. It was related that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “A Muhrim is not permitted to get married (male or female) or to propose to marriage." Thus, a Muhrim, man or woman, is not permitted to marry himself or another or to propose for a woman.

Don’t apply any kind of perfumes, whether oils or incense. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Don’t wear a garment to which saffron is applied." He also said concerning a man who died on the Day of ‘Arafah while being in the state of Ihraam: “Wash him with water and lote-tree and don’t cover his head, nor apply Hunut to him, for he will be resurrected while pronouncing Talbiah." Hunut stands for the aromatic material mixed in cotton that blocks the outlets in the deceased’s body. Thus, a Muhrim is not permitted to apply perfume or incense or to mix it with his food or drink, or to wash himself with scented soap. However, he is permitted to wash himself with water and to remove dirt from his body. As for applying perfume before entering into the state of Ihraam, it is a Sunnah after the Prophet (peace be upon him) and there is no harm if its smell remains after entering into the state of Ihraam. ‘A’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: “I used to perfume the Prophet (peace be upon him) before his Ihraam." She continued: “I remember the sparkle of musk that I saw on the forelock of Allaah’s Messenger while he was in the state of Ihraam."

You should avoid covering the head with turbans, covers, or caps. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said concerning the man who died while being in the state of Ihraam, “Don’t cover his head." As for things that are not usually taken as head coverings, such as luggage that a pilgrim carries on his head, not intending to cover his head with it, there is no harm in that. It is permissible to shade the head with umbrella and such things like that, if it was used with the intention of covering the head and was not attached closely to the scull. Umm Al-Husain (may Allaah be pleased with her) reported: “I accompanied the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the Farewell Hajj, and I saw Usamah and Bilal. One of them took the nose-string of the Prophet’s she-camel while the other pulled his garment over his head to protect him from the heat of the sun until he threw Jamrat Al-‘Aqabah". The prohibition of covering the head is limited to men, but not to women.

Shun the kinds of garments that the Prophet prohibited you to wear. When the Prophet was asked concerning the dress that the pilgrim should wear during Hajj, he said: “Don’t wear Qamees, turban, Burnoose, trousers or leather socks." He further said: “Whoever does not find slippers, he may wear leather socks, and whoever does not find a lower garment, he may wear trousers". Forbiding such garment is for men not women. Qamees is not restricted to shirts, rather it extends to cover other kinds, such as t-shirts, vests, etc. A Muhrim should not wear turban or whatever wear on its fashion, such as Ghutrah and cap, etc. He should not wear Burnoose, or whatever dress on its fashion, such as Mishlah. He should not wear trousers, no matter whether their legs are long or short. He should not wear leather socks, or any other footwear on its fashion like other kinds of socks. As for wearing a watch in one’s hand or hanging it on the neck, wearing glasses, earpiece, finger rings, belts that keep money or to fasten trousers, or to wrap with blankets, etc. all these are permissible. As for fastening a garment with a clip, it will be more forbidden rather than permissible in case the garment is fastened with a long line of clips in a way to resemble Qamees, whose wearing is not permissible. It is permissible to fasten the garment with one clip only, if it will cause inconvenience when the garment is worn without fastening it, otherwise it will be better not to fasten it. As for woman, she is permitted to wear any kind of dress before Ihraam, provided that she does not reveal anything that attract others’ attention to her.

It is not permissible for men and women to wear gloves. It is not permissible for women to wear face cover (Niqaab). It is preferable for women to uncover their faces unless they are likely to be seen by non-Mahram men. Both men and women are permitted to change the uniform of Ihraam, due to dirt or impurity, etc.

So, fear Allaah, you servants of Allaah and preserve your rituals from imperfections and nullification. Allaah the Almighty said what means: “And obey Allaah and the Messenger; that ye may obtain mercy." (Aal Imraan: 132).

Coming to my point, I seek Allaah’s Forgiveness for me and for you and for all Muslims from all sins, so seek Allaah’s Forgiveness for he is Oft-Forgiving, All-Merciful.
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