(خطبة عيد الأضحى) للشيخ اسماعيل الخطيب

الفريق العلمي
1438/01/29 - 2016/10/30 04:08AM
(خطبة عيد الأضحى) للشيخ اسماعيل الخطيب

1) The story of Ibraaheem and how he disassociated himself from polytheism and its people and how he destroyed idols.
2) Immigration of Ibraaheem seeking his Lord’s pleasure, how Allaah tested him with the command to slaughter his son, and how he willingly accepted the command. So Allaah ransomed him with a great sacrifice, which was a lamb from heaven.
3) Encouraging people to follow the footsteps of Ibraaheem and slaughter sheep on that same day.

First Khutbah

Allaah has said, which means: "And who turns away from the religion of Ibrahim except him, he who befalls him himself truly in this world and verily in the hereafter he will be amongst the righteous when his Lord said to him: " Submit, meaning to Islam" He said: " I have submitted myself to the Lord of the Alameen (meaning the universe and all creatures )." (Al-Baqarah: 130-131)

Servants of Allaah, in these blessed days that Allaah has favored and honored, and on this day in particular, the day of slaughtering, the day of the major ‘Eid, a holiday and celebration for Muslims in all lands, who glorify Allaah for what he has guided them to, i.e. the right religion and the straight path. On this sacred day, it is a duty upon every Muslim to remember the father of Prophets and an eminent friend of the Most Merciful, who announced to people the belief of Islamic monotheism at a time when polytheism and misguidance were overwhelming. Idols were worshipped and the laws of the Most Merciful were neglected.

Thus, corruption spread, and he called on to his people as Allaah says, which means: "What is it that which you worship? Is it a falsehood? meaning God other than Allah, that you desire? Then what do you think about the Lord of Al Alameen? The universe and all creatures." (Assaaffaat: 85-87)

And he did not stop at calling them verbally, rather he went to their idols, that were the symbol of their misguidance, and he destroyed them. He said to his people, as Allaah says in the Quran, which means: "Do you then worship besides Allah things that can neither profit you nor harm you. Fie upon you and upon that which you worship besides Allah! Have you then no sense?" (Al-Anbiyaa: 66-67) He said it in firmness and announced the statement of truth in the face of all those who associate with Allaah and were stubborn on disbelief. Glory be to Allaah.

And on this course and with this method, the rest of the blessed caravan from the Prophets of Allaah and His messengers went on. They called to Allaah and His oneness and the implementation of His rules.

Allaah says, which means: "And verily we have sent among every nation a messenger proclaiming, ‘Worship Allah alone and avoid Taghut'‘"(Al-Nahl: 36). And Taghut is everything, by the action of which, a servant transgresses the boundaries of Allah, for example someone who is followed or obeyed in the disobedience of Allah.

Legislation is a right that is exclusive to Allaah, and He has legislated for His servants the clear cause and method, and the sound way. He said to His messenger sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam, which means: “Then we have put you on a plain way or a cause of our commandment, so follow it"(ِِِِAl-Jaathiyah: 18). So He clarified in His revealed book and through His messenger, what has been made lawful and unlawful, as well as the rest of the rules and legislations of Allaah. Allaah did not leave anything minute or major from the matters of people, but has clarified the rulings with regards to every issue.

And one can find, from what is left unchanged from the scriptures of the people of the book, clear correspondence with many Islamic laws. The prohibition of liquor, gambling, usury, fornication, adultery, theft and forcibly possessing someone's property etc. were prohibited in all the previous legislations as well.

Similar is the case of manners and dealings. Our honorable messengers sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam came to perfect good manners. Humanity was not to recognize or identify good manners except through these Messengers and Prophets. It was through them that people recognized the good and the evil, the kind and spiteful, and what is beautiful and what is ugly.

It is no wonder that this was the case, as the religion of Allaah is all one. Allaah says, which means: "He has ordained for you the same religion which He ordained for Nuh, and that which He has revealed to you, meaning Oh! Mohamed and that which we ordained for Ibrahim, Musa and Issa saying: " You should establish the religion and make no divisions in it".(Al-Shoora: 13) So the religion that all the messengers came with invites to the worship of Allaah alone, and obedience to Him and His messengers, and acceptance of His laws and legislations.

Allaah obligated the previous nations to implement His laws and legislations. His messengers implemented His laws and He vituperated those who refrained from implementing His law.

He said, which means: "Have you not seen those who have been given a portion of the scripture? They are being invited to the book of Allah to settle their disputes, then a party of them turned away and they are a verse."(Aal ‘Imraan: 23) And He clarified their reality when He said, the meaning of which is: "They listened to falsehood and devour anything forbidding."(Al-Maidah: 42) That is why you see them reject the laws and legislations of Allaah that He has revealed in Tawraat, just like the people of the Injeel (Bible) rejected the legislations that Allaah revealed to them and with that they became disbelievers, oppressors and transgressors, and lost all relations between them and Ibraheem.

As Allaah said, which means: "Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim on Islamic monotheism."(Aal ‘Imraan: 67) Allaah has called Ibraheem a true Muslim, because he followed the religion of Allaah, which is Islam. And Islam is submission and obedience with tranquility to Allaah. Ibraheem was a Muslim and Allaah has called anyone who follows His religion and obeys His order, a Muslim as well.

Allaah said, which means: "It is he, meaning Allah, who has named you Muslims both before and in this, meaning the Quran."(Al-Haj: 78) So Allaah, the Exalted, named us Muslims before the revelation of Quran and in the Quran. So the true Muslim is the one who follows the religion of Ibraheem and believes in all the messengers along with the Seal of all Prophets and their Leader, Prophet Mohammed sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam, the Master of all mankind.

A Muslim is he who submits to the commands of Allaah, and does not accept anything but the law and legislation of Allaah, and does not implement but the command of Allaah. Allaah has guided him to the right religion and the straight path. Allaah says, the meaning of which is: "Say, (meaning Oh! Mohamed, truly my Lord has guided me to a straight path, the right religion, the religion of Ibrahim, Hanifa, which is the true Islamic monotheism.And indeed he was not of the polytheist…"(Al-An’aam: 161) As for him who deserts the religion of Allaah and His legislations, then he does not know the reality of himself and he has caused himself a great destruction.

Second Khutbah

Servants of Allaah! On this day, we remember the eminent friend of the Most Merciful, Ibraheem, peace be upon him, who set an example to nations and generations after himself. He was avowed with the practical revolution against idols and their destruction and demolition. Allaah slighted the might and power of the disbelievers who wanted to burn him with fire, but it became cool and peaceful on him. He disowned his father and disassociated himself from him and concluded that he is an enemy of Allaah.

He deserted his people and traveled from one country to another while saying, as Allaah said in the Quran, which means: "Verily I am going to my Lord, he will guide me"(Al-Saaffaat: 99) And he asked his Lord to grant him offspring from the righteous, to help him and encourage him in the obedience of Allaah, and to keep him company in his loneliness.

So Allaah gave him glad tidings of a son, who was Isma’eel. Then Allah said, which means: "And when he was old enough, meaning, become a young man able to help his father, he said: " Oh! My son I have seen in a dream that I am slaughtering you, so look what do you think? "(Assaaffaat: 102)

It was a test, which had an impressive result. Ibraheem fulfilled the dream and Isma’eel fulfilled the words or command of his father, and it was a difficult matter indeed.

Ibraheem was an old man, an immigrant who left his land. Allaah blessed him with a young man and as soon as he was old enough to help him and keep him company the command from his Lord came to slaughter him, and the son received the command with full submission and obedience and acceptance.

Then Allaah says, the meaning of which is: "Then when they both had submitted themselves and he, meaning Ibrahim, had lead him prostrate on his forehead we called out to him: "Oh! Ibrahim, you have fulfilled the dream".(Assaaffaat: 103-105)

This is Islam: submission to the commands of Allaah. Obedience, submission and implication, and this is what Allaah wants from His servants. So when this happened, Allaah let go of this believing soul and replaced it with the great sacrifice, which was the male sheep, the lamb.

And now you Muslims, you will slaughter your sacrifices in memory of this great event, in memory of the great submission and obedience to the Lord. So be grateful to Allaah for His favors and be thankful that He enabled you to obey him.

And remember the father of Prophets, who is the father of this Islamic nation; the father of the nation upon which Allaah has written to lead humanity with Quran on the religion of Ibraheem. So glad tidings with great reward that is uncountable.
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