القران والسنه سبقا العلم الحديث عربي انجليزي

محمد مرسى
1433/11/10 - 2012/09/26 12:15PM
أليس محمد بصادق فيما جـــــــــاءه من وحى السماء = جناح للذبابة فيه داء و جناح حــــــــــــــامل للدواء
مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــن أخبر محمدا بهذا غير رب عليم = فلم يكن محمد أبدا يوما عالما فــــــــــــــــى الأحياء

Is not the Prophet Mohammed a truthful in what is revealed to Him from His Mighty Lord?0
One of two wings of the fly carries a disease and the other carries what makes that disease be cured
Who do you think except an All-knowing God (Allah) made Mohammed by that be told?0
Verily, Mohammed had never been a Biologist when He said that word

قـــــال تعالى " وأنزلنا الحديد فيه بأس شديد " = حقيقة أثبتها كفارهــم مـــــــــــــــــــــن العلماء
فعجبا للكفار يعارضون دين الحــــــــــــــــــــــق = ويثبتون بأيديهم ما للإسلام مـــــــــــــــــن آياء

Allah Says" and We (Allah) sent down Iron in Which is a material for mighty war"
That is a proved fact by their miscreant scientists who do discover and explore
How odd! Atheists always wage on the Islamic religion a war
Unintentionally, to the trueness of the signs of Islam they themselves do assure

أو كظلمات في بحر لجي ظلمات بعضها فوق بعض = إن قلتم هـــــــــــذا مصادفة فأنتم حقا أهل شـقاء
فهل كان يغوص لعمق سحيق حينها بغواصـــــــــة = أم جــــــــــــاءه كلام من الله إعجازه بلا إنتهــاء

Or like a darkness in the depth of vast Deep Ocean, dark clouds one above another
If you said that is just a coincidence, then in this life and hereafter you are to suffer
Had he dived in the deep oceans by a submarine in that time of ignorance? (Ye know He never)0
Or it's a Quran sent down on him from Allah, a miracle good ever?0

وهاهو المكتشف ايديسون كم جد كثيرا واجتهد= باحثا عــــــــــــــن إكتشاف يكون مصدرا للضياء
وبعد جهد ومشقة توصــــــــــــــل لاكتشافه = أوليس القرآن قد لمــــــح عن سر مصباح الكهرباء
(المصباح في زجاجة والزجاجة كأنها كوكب) = لو بحث العلماء في القرآن لما لبثوا دهورا فى العناء

Here is Thomas Edison that made every effort and was got by tiredness(overexertedness)0
Trying to discover something to be a tool for lightness
He discovered what he sought to after a lot of fatigue and exhaustedness
Did not Quran allude to the secret of lambs, and did not miss
The lamp enclosed in a glass, the glass is like a star radiates brightness
Had scientists searched in Quran, they would have found their long-pursuit aims with no weariness

أو كبدن فرعون موسى بعد إغراقه فى اليم = اليوم تراه في متحف والذل على وجه المومياء
نجاه الله ببدنه ليكون لمـــــــــــن خلفه آية = وموريس بوكاى اثبت صدق القرآن فى الإنباء

And like the dead body of Moses' pharaoh who in river was his doom
His dead full body in a museum in France, his mummy's face is full of gloom
Allah saved him in his body to be a sign to the people come after him till the day of doom
Morese Bocai proved that he drowned and that Quran is truthful in what it does assume

( لا يحطمنكم سليمان وجنوده ) عبارة قالتها نملة = عبارة نقضت ودحضت مــــــــــــن كفار جهلاء
كيف لنمل أن يتحطم أوليس التحطيم للزجـــــــــاج = فأثبت عالم عكس ذلك و بطل ما لهم من إدعـــاء
كان من قبل كافـــــــــرا فأسلم حيـن علـــــــــم ذلك = أفلم يأن للأسقف بعد هذا أن يثبتوا لله كــل ولاء

A statement said by an ant "lest ye be crushed by Solomon and His hosts"0
It has been denied and confuted by ignorant atheists
They wondered saying "Crushing is for glass, so how it would be for the ants"0
The opposite of what they said is proved to be right by one of the scientists
He embraced Islam when he realized that fact, after being one of polytheists
Has not the time come yet for, Allah being sincerely obeyed by priests?0

(اذهبــــــــــوا بقميصي هذا فألقــوه على وجه أبى) = قالهــــــــــــــــــــا الصديق يوسف حفيد أبا الأنبياء
فتدبر عالــــــــــــــــــــم قوله وقال ماذا بالقميـص = فوجد العـــــــــرق لماء العين يكون سببا في الشفاء

Go with this my shirt, and cast it over my father's face: he will come to see
Said by Joseph the veracious, the grandson of Abraham the father of men of Prophecy
A scientist contemplated wondering how for a shirt to heal Jacob's malady
After a period he realized that sweat (generally) for the dim-sighting the best cure to

أو لم يقرءوا عن علمـــــــــــاء في الفلك متقدمين = قد وجدوا اثرانشقاق في القمر السابح في الفضاء
عجبا ففى القرآن (اقتربت الساعة وانشق القمر) = لدينا هذا منذ قرون فلما الكفار فــــــــــــــــــي إباء

About well-advanced scientists in astronomyDon't they know?0
Who discovered a split on the moon swimming along an orbit according to law
The Hour of judgment is nigh and the moon is cleft asunder" it is in Quran, Lo!0
So why disbelievers disdain and this fact mentioned in Quran 14 centuries ago ?0

(ويخلق مالا تعلمون ) عبــــــارة تخص الـــدواب= فالآن الطائرات بعد جمـــــــــــــــال فى البيداء
فلما يتعجبون من براق خطوته كخمسمائة عام= كان وسيلة نقل محمد فـــــــــي رحلة الإسراء

"He creates what ye know not" a statement concerning what we for travel ride
Before were camels and now planes: transportation changed wide
So why do they wonder from a sumpter (Buraq) of 500 years distance per stride?0
Was His (the Prophet Mohammed ) mount during a journey by night, glorified

وفلك بعــــــــــد الطوفان استوت على الجــودى = حملت نوحا النبي ومن معه مـــــــــــــن الأتقياء
وجد العلمــــــــــــــاء آثارها كما اخبرنا القــرآن = أو ليس القرآن بصادق فيما يحــــــويه من أنباء

And the Ark after the deluge rested on the mount Judi
Carried the Prophet Noah and His men of piety
Its ruins was found as what is told in the Quran of the true Deity
After all of this, is not Quran truthful in its prophecy?0

أو كثياب لوثت بشيء مــــــــــــــــــــن لعاب كلــب = اللعاب يحمل جرثومة من صغائــــــــــر الأحياء
كم حاول العلمــاء قتلها وما كان إلا الفشــــل = ووجدوا نصيحة من لا ينطق عن الهوى نعـم الدواء
غسل بالتـــــــراب يهـلك تلـك الجرثومة الصغيرة = فحق للحى ربه أن نقوم له بالانحنـــــــــــــــاء

Or like a a garment by the spittle of a dog contaminated
This spittle carries a germ that can't be seen by the naked eye
Scientists found Mohammed's advice the best cure; unconfuted
After their big failure in every try
Washing with dust makes this microorganism be eliminated
So it is a right we bow glorifying Mohammed's Lord who will never die

مثل الكفــــــــــــــــــار في القرآن كمن يصعد في السماء= يضيق صدرهم حرجا لانخفاض ضغط الهـواء
فهل تتدبر الكـفار أمــــــــــــــــــــــــــ على قلوب أقفالها = فكلمات الله ورسوله كالنور فــى الليلة الظلماء
أي حديث بعد هــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــذا الحق يكذبون = ولأى غير الحقد يقومون على الإسلام بالإعتــداء

The similitude of the atheists in the Quran is like people by them the sky be ascended .0
Due to the low atmospheric pressure their chests are close and constricted
Are the disbelievers to consider these signs or they are locked-hearted
The words of Allah and His Messenger as the light in a pitch-black night; discounteracted
Are there other facts greater than these to be by the disbelievers, rejected?0
And due to nothing except envy, Islam by them be insulted (assaulted
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