(Islamic History: inception, its legitimacy, its importance) Selected speeches (experience)

ادارة الموقع

2022-10-11 - 1444/03/15

Every nation has features characteristic of all other nations, gather around, and stick to it; to protect her egg, and in order to safeguard their possession, and maintenance of Mmeltha, God has wanted for this nation to be distinct in their behavior and feelings and Hraiaha for others, God said: (and every nation We Mnska) [Hajj: 34]. Every nation rituals and canons distinguish it from other nations.

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So came Islam urges its followers to ensure the uniqueness and leadership, and not to follow the example of former UN at all, and to instill in them pride in Islam, and certainty eminence of this religion and its height on the other, God of Islam and has been described as a religion fully values ​​the whole, God said: (is religion) Roman: 30] there is no shortage when Muslims to resort to the other.

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And raise God's faithful high homes and described them as good of Nations, said -sobhanh-: (You are the best nation raised up for people Propagation of Virtue and forbidding what is wrong and believe in God) [Al-Imran: 110], but so as not to become infected psychological defeat does not fall into the trap of blind imitation for those who preceded them and raise the fate of nations notice of their superiority and to uphold their status Almighty said: (and also made you a middle nation to be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger may be a witness) [Al-Baqarah: 143].

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Therefore, through the pride of the nation is in the sit-book and the year, and devotion Bhdehma, and wary of moving away from them, or infatuation bright spots of the whims or human laws, so God Nabih peace be God commanded him and his nation followed Lh- Balastmsak inspiration and pride, said the Almighty (Fastmsk revealed to you that which you are on a straight path) [decoration: 43], and hopes the praise of God how this law and the full description and rectum religion; even Almstmsk do not pay attention to any other way in which seduction and delusion.

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Therefore the wrath of the Prophet peace be upon him, when he saw in the hands of Omar ibn al-Khattab - may Allah be pleased with him - papers containing portions of the books of people of the book from us, and said to him: "Omthokon where O Ibn Khattab ?! and my hand I came out pure white Tsolohm not something Vijbrokm Vtkzbwa against him, or Bbatal Vtsedkoa it, and my hand, if Moses was alive as he could, however, follow me "(Narrated by Ahmad and others and a man).

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As followers of Islam is proud of their religion forbade them from following or imitating other nations and cultures, said the Prophet, peace be upon him: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them." (Narrated by Abu Dawood and horses).

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He warned the Prophet peace be upon him, to follow the ways of the Jews and the Christians; he said: "We certainly follow the ways of those who came before you and Shubra an inch cubit, even if they entered a lizard terrier Tbatamohm!" He said the prophet - God bless them - Jews and Christians? The Prophet peace be upon him, he said: "It is ?!" (agreed).

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The reason for the ban to be an imitation of the Islamic Ummah apart from other Nations properties, and do not mind to take what you see useful than others considerately and science, but a Muslim can not be a character who imitates others in good and evil.

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On the basis of these assets University of Excellence nation rejected the Prophet peace be upon him, thought-like nation in the call to prayer with Jews and Christians. In Sunan Abu Daud Abdullah bin Zaid said: «care of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, to pray how people gather to her? And was told: focused banner when attending the prayer, if they saw ushered each other, did not like this, he recalled his Alguena - a Hbor Alehud- did not like this, he said, it is from the Jews is, he recalled his bell, he said, is one of the Christians is, so he left Abdul Abdullah bin Zaid al-Ansari, and is interested in them, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Murine software in a dream, tomorrow upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he told him .. "explained that the Prophet peace be upon him for his desire to the uniqueness of the nation and excellence in rituals and their faith.

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It was a characteristic of this nation Islamic History; it is distinguished her about the history of others, as the frequency of the history of Christians and Jews and former UN sun, and in months ancient Coptic, and when he had glorified this nation distinguishes itself with history AH, linking their festivals and seasonality fasting, Hajj and other acts of worship, God said: ( They ask you about the new moons Say Prayers are for people and Hajj) [Al-Baqarah: 189].

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This is an important issue that Hijri date is linked to worship, of fasting and prayer, fasting and pilgrimage, it is linked to the specificity of the nation and its independence and not dependence.

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Companions have realized this great significance, Imam al-Tabari said God's mercy in the "history" (2/3), "said a time when the work of history: for the People, said: Abu Musa al-Ash'ari wrote to Omar may Allah be pleased with them: he comes to us from you wrote no history? he said, he gathered the age of people for advice, said some of them: chronicled the source of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him! some of them said: immigrant Messenger of Allah peace be upon him! 'Umar said: No, but date the immigrant Messenger of Allah peace be God be upon him Dispersion and the difference between right and wrong.

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It was narrated from Ben Maimon said Mehran: to raise the age of the instrument was replaced in August, Omar said: any Shaaban? Who is to come or where we are? Then he said to the owners of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "put people to something they know."

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Some of them said: Just write the history of rum. And he was told: They write from the era of centuries, this long.

Some of them said: Just write the history of the Persians. It was said that whenever the king of the Persians who was put before him.

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Gathered their opinion on how to look the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him resided in the city? Fujdoh ten years.

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Then they said: Which months to begin? They said: Ramadan. Then they said: Muharram, he turneth away people from their pilgrimage, a month Vojmawa forbidden on pain


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