Human beings are born healthy intuition, realized, is the program going in life, is that human beings are capable of human perversion and the dismantling of his nature, a direct reason to change the facts of life, and then the system of life coup, and its transformation into a killer of a system of meanings, which is installed in the human; to be lights that illuminated in way, Vehtda in dark areas, and Astadhae in Hawwalk blind corners.
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strength of sins in the environment and human demolition :
Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them he said: The Messenger of Allah said, peace be upon him: "Black Stone came down from heaven and is whiter than milk Fssodth sins of the sons of Adam." Narrated by Tirmidhi, who said a good talk properly.
I sat pondering aboard a long talk, and I was amazed by the ability of the sins of humans harming Paljmadat and influence in something solid as stone, and in the modern many benefits, including the corruption caused to the universe in which God forced to humans caused by the first human, environmental disasters afflicting the planet today the best proof this fact is the Lord's.
It is a fact that received in the modern and well worth paying attention to are: whether the sins - that is the effect of evil built Adm- had blackened egg next stone from Paradise, and supplies the corruption of the planet, and the disruption of the environment system; how not prevail hearts that sank in the swamps of sins and the sins? And how sins are not the cause of the metamorphosis of the soul, and the armies of falsehood and evil, sitting in the path of goodness, which drown men in sins and indecencies, and planning to ruin, and programmed minds to love the dirt, and hearts to forget the day of reckoning, and disbelief the Lord of lords.
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The sins scary ability to demolish life and their meanings, the power of terrifying in ripping various human relations, but the evil which is fed from the sins significant negative energy on the human transfer of the good object to an object explode malice and hatred and aggressive, seen with my own eyes revenge, utter mouthpiece Assassin, and the tyranny of the senses to taste execution all the noble qualities, good manners, and beautiful meanings venerable, but seen the beholder to the hearts of evil soldiers and falsehood How are you enjoying Ptguetal humans, and the demolition of cities, villages and urban, and the displacement of men and silks, and perhaps the reader conjure how to enjoy -mthela- Russian pilot bombed cities and backfilling on the occupants, then sends master orchestra celebrates the deportation of thousands, and feeling high, the killing of children and the children by their parents, perhaps the reader also recalls how enjoying evil soldiers killing and raping vulnerable women, and the slaughter of people in front of each other, it's the ability of evil located in humans, fed by disbelief and polytheism, myths and falsehoods, and reverence what developed by systems driven by people resist the Creator, and if the scene wrong war against the people of a clear right to highlight the evil and bestiality in humans switched from Adamic to the animal, human Fletoml in other scenes are bursting with Diary of people in this planet, and what more scenes Ribaldries, and decadence, and limits the meditator angle to consider the angle goes to his mind spontaneously, Valhdhuz and gay marriage and gambling halls, bars, banks that absorbs humans funds, these and similar images can researcher them find it easily, but looking for pictures overlooked a lot about her, an image of incitement practiced by the villains who Facts violated the sky, the message of prophecy, as a general violation or in specific details, the one who writes a book to demonize the country and the people of the apparent point of the evil heads, those growers wars and evil, and too many examples Filipges Allbeb them and Looking at her.
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media and the metamorphosis of humans:
The media landscape is the most prominent place of the activity of the demons of mankind, who mocked the media to be empowered machine sabotage in corruption and corruption, is working to change the facts sent from heaven tirelessly, sometimes Bngaebha, and sometimes playing Bolvazaa and their meanings, sometimes twisting their necks, or discharged from the content , seeking to distort or painted crafty colors hidden from viewers, and may reach up killing the advocates of the right if you did not work with them the temptation or intimidation, the shape of their presence and continuing threat to the same evil, and all male enters the people of falsehood methods to control the truth and siege ; even without them the air; and realized them control of the sons of Adam, and servitude in the evil in the event of peace, and in the case of murder and destruction of war.
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And witness the reality on the seriousness of the media Almnsk from each of mercy, justice, good values, and the most striking examples that can cite to demonstrate seriousness, pointing to what he does the Iranian media racial and sectarian, who falsifies facts and wash the brains of Persian-speaking peoples, and teach hatred of the Arabs, and a snob, you will find the most prominent slogans brought by example: Arab nomads, ignorant, Sfielh Shahuaon and traitors, paving the war and fight them, and then take advantage of the nodal Shiite dimension of the Persian state to stoke the fire of hatred in the Shiites in general, to portray them that they are fighting on the enemies of Ahl al-Bayt as he claims, it comes so commoner from Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Lebanon; to fight and kill and abandons those whom they consider infidels deserve death and genocide.
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Perhaps the intelligent reader conjure with me now Photos lynching savoring the killing of children, women and raped recorded bestiality followers Project evil called the big Shiite project, which is published in the various means of communication, it is that made them fuel for these loss-making and the grinding war at the same time, they are the demons of the media, who drowned in disbelief and disobedience, and hugging their hearts meanings of faith days, it's the curse of the sins that make these people give up their humanity; to lapse deeper in the swamps of bestiality, which make them monsters do not know any sense of morality and values, but down more than that to become just the curses of moving between humans.
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Islam warns of the curses of sins :
However you should not justify the weakness that we are able to curse the sins of the hearts of the demons of the media and their seducer, but the curse of sin has left all of us